PHYLLIS D COLEY - Sustainability Profile

Research Affiliate, The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
Distinguished Prof Emeritus, School Of Biological Sciences


  • ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Endara, M-J, Coley, PD, Wiggins, NL, Forrister, DL, Younkin, GC, Nicholls, JA, Pennington, TR, Dexter, KG, Kidner, CA, Stone, GN & Kursar, TA (2018). Chemocoding as an identification tool where morphological- and DNA-based methods fall short: Inga as a case study. New Phytologist., 02/13/2018 BRAZIL ECUADOR FRENCH GUIANA PANAMA PERU
  • ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Endara MJ, Coley PD, Ghabash G, Nicholls JA, Dexter KG, Donoso DA, Stone GN, Pennington RT & Kursar TA (2017). Coevolutionary arms race versus host defense chase in a tropical herbivore-plant system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 114, E7499-E7505., 09/01/2017 PERU