JIM EHLERINGER - Sustainability Profile
Distinguished Professor, School Of Biological Sciences
Director, Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research, School Of Biological Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Geology & Geophysics
Director, Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research, School Of Biological Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Geology & Geophysics
Professional Membership
- ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Elected Fellow, Ecological Society of America, 05/2016
- ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Elected Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 01/1995
- AIR QUALITY | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Raczka, B. & S.C. Biraud, J.R. Ehleringer, C.-T. Lai, J.B. Miller, D.E. Pataki, S.R. Saleska, M.S. Torn, B.H. Vaughn, R. Wehr, and D.R. Bowling (2017). Does vapor pressure deficit drive the seasonality of δ13C of the net land-atmosphere CO2 exchange across the United States? . Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences. Vol. 122, 2017JG003795., 12/01/2017
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | WATER | CLIMATE CHANGE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Kimball, S (2017). Ecophysiological considerations for restoration. Foundations of Restoration Ecology. Second Edition. (pp. 153-181). Island Press., 12/01/2017
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | WATER: Tipple, B.J., Y. Jameel, T.H. Chau, C.J. Mancuso, G.J. Bowen, A. Dufour, L.A. Chesson, and J.R. Ehleringer. Tap water isotopes reveal structure of the San Francisco Bay Area’s water systems and adjustments during a major drought. Water Research, 02/2017
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | ENERGY | AIR QUALITY: Mouteva, G.O., J.T. Randerson, S.M. Fahrni, S.E. Bush, J.R. Ehleringer, X. Xu, G.M. Santos, R. Kuprov, B.A. Schichtel, and C.I. Czimczik. Spatial and temporal variation of black and organic carbon aerosol sources in Salt Lake City. Environmental Science and Technology, 02/2017
- NATURE & CULTURE | CLIMATE CHANGE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Mallick, K., I. Trebs, E. Boegh, L. Giustarini, M. Schlerf, D. Drewery, L. Hoffman, C. von Randow, B. Kruijt, A. Arujo, S. Saleska, J.R. Ehleringer, T. Domingues, J.P. Ometto, A. Nobre, O. Morales, M. Hayek, J.W. Munger, and S. Wofsy. 2016. Canopy-scale biophysical controls of transpiration and evaporation in the Amazon Basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10/2016 SOUTH AMERICA
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | WATER: Ehleringer, J.R., J. Barnette, Y. Jameel, B.J. Tipple, and G.J. Bowen. Urban water – a new frontier in isotope hydrology. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 05/2016
- ENERGY | CLIMATE CHANGE | AIR QUALITY: Hopkins, F.M., E.A. Kort, S. E. Bush, J.R. Ehleringer, C.T. Lai, D.R. Blake, and J.T. Randerson. Spatial patterns and source attribution of urban methane in the Los Angeles Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 03/2016
Professional Service
- NATURE & CULTURE | ENERGY | WATER | AIR QUALITY | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Development of an integrated online environmental dashboard for the central Wasatch Mountain watershed that includes air quality and climate, water, vegetation, wildlife, and geology. This dashboard is intended to serve multiple users: public, K-gray, resource managers, policy makers, and technical users,, Central Wasatch Commission, 07/01/2019-06/30/2022
- WATER: External Advisory Board, Western Water Alliance, 03/2015-12/2018
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | WATER | CLIMATE CHANGE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Excellence in Earth and Space Sciences Education Award, American Geophysical Union, 12/13/2017
- ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Elected as Fellow of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, 05/2016
- ENERGY | WATER | CLIMATE CHANGE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Confronting Models with Regional CO2 Observations (DESC0010624). PI: Ehleringer, James, 08/2013-08/31/2016
- WATER | CLIMATE CHANGE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Undergraduate Sustainable Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (U-S2TEM) Scholars (1259343). PI: James R Ehleringer, 06/01/2013-06/30/2018