MARIE D. JACKSON - Sustainability Profile
Research Professor, Geology & Geophysics
Professional Membership
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Scholar Member, Natural Pozzolans Association, 12/01/2017
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Fellow, Art, Archaeology and Conservation Science Division (AACS), American Ceramic Society, 01/31/2013
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Elsen, J. & M. D. Jackson, E. Ruiz-Agudo (2022). Historic concrete science: opus caementicium to ‘natural cements’. Elements. Vol. 18, 301-307., 10/01/2022 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Seymour, L. M. & N. Tamura, M. D. Jackson, A. Masic (2021). Reactive binder and aggregate interfacial zones in the mortar of Tomb of Caecilia Metella concrete, 1C BCE, Rome. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 1-16., 10/07/2021 ITALY
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | ENERGY | CLIMATE CHANGE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Marie D. Jackson & Y. Zhang, H. Chen, J. P. Oleson, J. Moon (2018). Extreme Durability in Ancient Roman Concretes. (pp. 22-28). Vol. 97. American Ceramic Society Bulletin., 06/01/2018 UNITED STATES
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Marie D. Jackson, E.N. Landis, P.F. Brune, M. Vitti, H. Chen, Q. Li, M. Kunz, H.-R. Wenk, P.J.M. Monteiro & A.R. Ingraffea (2014). Mechanical resilience and cementitious processes in Imperial Roman architectural mortar. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 111, 18484–18489., 10/27/2014 ITALY
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | FOOD SYSTEMS: Marie D. Jackson & S. R. Chae, S. R. Mulcahy, C. Meral, R. Taylor, P. Li, J. Moon, S. Yoon, A.-H. Emwas, G. Vola, H.-R. Wenk, P. J. M. Monteiro (2013). Unlocking the secrets of Al-tobermorite in Roman seawater concrete. American Mineralogist. Vol. 98, 1669-1687., 09/05/2013 GLOBAL ITALY
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Marie D. Jackson, J. Moon, E. Gotti, R. Taylor, S. Chae, M. Kunz, A.-H. Emwas, C. Meral, P. Guttman, P. Levitz, H.-R. Wenk & P.J.M. Monteiro (2013). Material and elastic properties of Al-tobermorite in ancient Roman seawater concrete. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Vol. 96, 2598-2606., 08/01/2013 ITALY
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Jackson, M. D., P. F. Brune, 2023, Roman analog concretes with reactive aggregates as self-sustaining construction materials: Paper # 3822849, US Army Sustainability Symposium: Progress and Opportunities: Decarbonizing Construction Materials and Manufacturing Processes, American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, 26-30 March, 2023., 03/27/2023
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Self-sustaining cementitious systems in archaeological, geological and laboratory analogs of ancient Roman concretes: Gordon Research Conference, Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 07/15/2022 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Reactive Volcanic Tephra and Cementing Processes: From Young Surtsey Tuff to Ancient Roman Concrete: Advanced Light Source Colloquium, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, 04/27/2022 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Ntoutsi, I., N. Meimaroglou, P. Koustalos, C. Paptrechas, M. D. Jackson, 2021, The use of ‘Theran Tephra’ in Aegean traditional building techniques (abs.): A case-study from Therasia Island, Greece: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, T105. Reading the Record of Volcanic Tephra and Tuff in Geoarchaeological Site Studies and Drill Core Records, 12 October 2021., 10/12/2021 GREECE
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Jackson, M. D., C. L. Trivelpiece, N. Cheng, B. Nash, N. Tamura, 2020, Cementitious systems in Roman reactive glass marine concretes: Materials Science & Technology 2020, Art and Cultural Heritage: Discoveries and Education, Pittsburgh, PA, 4-8 October, 2020., 10/05/2020
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Jackson, M. D., J. Moon, H. Chen, Y. Zhang, 2018, Principles of Roman cementitious systems in architectural and marine concretes: Materials Science and Technology 2018, Art and Cultural Heritage: Reverse Engineering Symposium, Columbus, OH, 14-18 October, 2018. , 03/31/2018
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Jackson, M. D., H.-R. Wenk, 2018, Characterization of Cementitious Phases in Mortars of Roman Concretes and Analogies with Volcanic Tuffs. ISA 2018 Symposium, Commission on Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage, Recent advances in ancient mortar characterization, Merida, Mexico 20-24 May, 2018. , 01/31/2018
External Service
- NATURE & CULTURE: Surtsey@50Years is a blogspace dedicated to sharing the logistics of the 2017 SUSTAIN drilling project at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland and the research emanating from those drill cores (and borehole fluids) with the general public., 08/01/2017 ICELAND
Professional Service
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | NATURE & CULTURE | ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: Submarine Volcanic Activity and Associated Hazards: Recent and ancient perspectives, European Geophysical Union, 04/10/2019 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Miracle Materials, Von Beton zu Lem, ARTE TV documentary, 2023, Features on site filming of Roman concrete research at the University of Utah, the Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, California, and the Tomb of Caecilia Metella, Rome. See, also, a feature article through the Advanced Light Source:, 06/01/2024 ITALY
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Wired, The Secret to Making Concrete That Lasts 1,000 Years, by Jim Morrison. 2/3/2023 , 02/03/2023
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Popular Science, Inside the project to bring ‘self-healing’ Roman concrete to American shorelines, by Ben Guarino. 1/31/2023 , 01/31/2023
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | CLIMATE CHANGE: Fortune Magazine, This ancient Roman material could unlock the secret to building greener and longer-lasting buildings, 02/15/2021 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | NATURE & CULTURE: This village fought sea-level rise 7,000 years ago. The sea won., 12/20/2019 ISRAEL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | NATURE & CULTURE: Le Monde, Paléo-inspiration Le passé invente le futur, 11/22/2017 FRANCE
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Nature, news article Iceland drilling project aims to unearth how islands form, 07/24/2017 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Blueprint for Living The Secret behind the world's most durable concrete, 07/21/2017 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Science Friday Drilling into the Secrets of Roman Concrete, 07/07/2017 UNITED STATES
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Nature, news article, 07/03/2017 UNITED KINGDOM
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Media Response to American Mineralogist article: Phillipsite and Al-tobermorite mineral cements produced through low-temperature water-rock reactions in Roman marine concrete, 07/03/2017 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: BBC News: Swansea lagoon should use 'Roman-style' concrete: Expert, 01/13/2017 UNITED KINGDOM
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: American Ceramic Society: Unique crystals prevent crack propagation and bestow strength to ancient Roman concrete, 01/06/2015
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Berkeley Engineer: Concrete Knowledge, 11/01/2013
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: NBC News: What Ancient Roman Concrete Could Teach Modern Builders, 06/05/2013
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | NATURE & CULTURE: Fellow, American Ceramic Society, 03/26/2020 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Science Brief: Advanced Light Source Phillipsite and Al-tobermorite mineral cements produced through low-temperature water-rock reactions in Roman marine concrete , Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, 07/24/2017 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Notable Article: Jackson, M. D., S. R. Chae, S. R. Mulcahy, C. Meral, R. Taylor, P. Li, J. Moon, S. Yoon, A.-H. Emwas, G. Vola, H.-R. Wenk, P. J. M. Monteiro, 2013, Unlocking the secrets of Al-tobermorite in Roman seawater concrete: American Mineralogist, 98, 1669-1687. American Mineralogist, 05/2013, American Mineralogist, 07/24/2017 GLOBAL
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES: Science Highlight: Advanced Light Source Unlocking the Secrets of Al-tobermorite in Ancient Roman Marine Concrete , Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, 10/2013
- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITIES | NATURE & CULTURE | WATER: SUSTAIN: A New Drill Core at Surtsey Volcano: A Natural Laboratory for Time-Lapse Characterization of Hydrothermal Seawater and Microbial Interactions with Basaltic Tephra. PI: Marie D Jackson. Co-PI(s): M. T. Gudmundsson, A. Stefanson, V. Marteinsson, S. Jorgensen, W. Bach, B. Zimanowski, P. Cappelletti, 06/01/2014-12/31/2018 ICELAND